Thursday, December 2, 2010


I realize that I haven't discussed my long-standing affection for Public Enemy much here on IC in the past, and I intend on righting that transgression posthaste. You see, from approximately the end of my sixth grade year to somewhere in the middle of my eighth grade year ('90-'92ish?), I ate, breathed, and slept nothing but D, Flav, Griff, X, Souljah, and the S1W's. PE was my FAVORITE, the standard by which I judged all other things. In retrospect, it seems overwhelmingly absurd that a white mountain kid from rural Northern California would be so in touch with his African roots, but FUCK, man, PE was the FUCKING SHIT back then. I wore a puffy Starter jacket, Nike Flights, and a Generra Hypercolor shirt. I might've lived in Redwood farmland, but I was down with "urban" America. To this day, I remember making a special trip to a friend's house to view the MTV premier of "Can't Truss It" when it came out (my family didn't have cable). I understood the "struggle", the "revolution". Chuck D had told me all about it.
To this day (and many of my close personal friends will confirm this), if you feed me enough booze and have access to the correct stereo equipment, I will rap along to ANY and ALL Public Enemy albums (up to and including Apocalypse 91), word-for-word, until someone stops me. I know, it's embarassing as fuck and something a grown man should never be caught doing, liquored up or otherwise. But I can't fucking help it. PE IS IN FULL EFFECT, ALWAYS HAS BEEN, ALWAYS WILL BE.

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Purchase HERE

How fucking dope is this picture?


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